Thursday, November 10, 2016

Penguin joke is cute all the time,get more fun and try to not laugh

They are the only bird can't fly but they are can live in water and find the food very quickly. Can't fly but can swim,it's cool anyway. Their joke is good too,let try some joke of penguin.

Top 20 best penguin jokes for kids

funny penguin jokes
1. What do you call food regurgitated by a penguin?
2. What kind of rock hops?
- A rockhopper penguin
3. What Emperor wears only black and white and orange?
- An emperor penguin
4. What do you call a penguin that can lift a polar bear?
- Sir
5. Where do penguins keep their money?
- In a snow bank
6. What's blue and swims?
- A little blue penguin
7. What kind of food does a Royal penguin like?
- Macaroni
8. Why can't penguins fly?
- Because they don't have enough money to buy plane tickets.
9. What’s black and white, black and white, and black and white?
- A penguin rolling down a hill!
10. What do penguins sing at a birthday party?
- Freeze a Jolly Good Fellow!
11. Where do penguins go to dance?
- The snow ball!
12. Which side of a penguin has the most feathers?
- The outside!
13. What do you call fifty penguins at the North Pole?
- Really lost, because penguins live in the Southern Hemisphere!
14. What do you get when you cross a penguin and an alligator?
- I don’t know, but don’t try to fix its bow tie!
15. Why did the penguin cross the road?
-  To go with the floe!
16. Who’s the head of the penguin navy?
-  Admiral Byrd!
17. Where do penguins go to the movies?
- At the dive-in!
18. What’s a penguin’s favorite salad?
- Iceberg lettuce!
19. What do penguins have for lunch?
- Icebergers!
20. Who’s the penguin’s favorite Aunt?
 - Aunt-Arctica!
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